About Us

We Protect People.
What We Do
Because the universe contains nothing more valuable than human hearts, we create and steward technology that protects people and their systems, providing them with a safe and unique version of the internet as they live and interact online.
What We See
We see a world where billions of people are empowered to utilize the internet in a safe and productive way, with ADAMnetworks serving as a light for people to exercise dominion over technology as they use its power for good.
How we Fulfill the Mission
Secure in Identity
We operate like a battery, bringing energy to the team rather than taking from it.
Professional Competency
We care deeply about the skill of our craft, and are continually working to grow in it.
We are willing to fight for the highest possible good of our team and clients.
Burning Desire
We possess a strong internal motivation which we bring to the work we do in alignment with our vision.
We can be counted on to get things done, diligently working to the point of completion.
We speak the truth in love, not seeking conflict but willing to embrace it, even if it’s uncomfortable to do so.